We empower foster families and advocate for meaningful change.

Donate today!

We are a volunteer based organization with a mission to serve our community’s most vulnerable youth. Your donation gives direct support to children and families in foster care!

Why donate?

Fostering Families serves Durham, Wake and Orange Counties in North Carolina. Our association provides:

  • monthly Support Groups to provide training and emotional support to foster parents in a private and encouraging space

  • annual events that allow parents, kids and social workers spend time together in a social space, including our Foster Care Month Celebration Event every May, and our Adoption Month Celebration every November

  • sponsorship/financial support to entities that provide valuable resources to foster youth, including Durham’s LINKS, that mentors young adults in and aging out of foster care

  • one on one assistance to parents with questions, resource needs or emotional support

  • other opportunities for parents and children to build stronger networks through local park play dates, potlucks and a variety of social events in the community

Serving the Triangle since 2018

We’ve hosted information panels for parents, foster care fairs attended by agencies throughout the Triangle, parties that allow foster youth to meet other children in foster care, raffles and giveaways, trainings that range from CPR to guided support groups, and much more.